how to keep yuma


My yuma when I first got it. Now you can't even see the rock...Some of the polyps have literally doubled in size in about 3 months. They are a very easy coral to take care of. My girlfriend thinks they're ugly but I like them a lot. I don't spot feed either, just broadcast. And they are growing very well.
I have no Yuma's but I do have Florida Rics, they usually sit in the bottom middle portion of my tank and like medium current and direct light. When I say direct light, I run T5 bulbs so it's not as if I have a metal Halides burning down on it. Mine has tripled in size in 6 months by spitting into 3 mushrooms. Good Luck
low lighting and low flow if it is newly acquired from the wild.

If its a yuma thats been aclimated into a system, find out what kind of lighting it was previously kept in and you can adjust accordingly to yours. But still low flow.

For flow make sure the yuma is being "pulled" by the flow, or it'll slowly peel off. I've been keeping yumas for over 5 years and its happened to me several times.