How to stop sunset monti from spreading


New member

I have sunset monti that grows like crazy over other corals and thinking if there are ways to prevent it to grow in some direction? Looks like it will overtake everything in no time!
Try some kalkwasser paste right on top of it. Be sure to turn your pumps off for a bit and not get anything on other corals.
I just picked up a mystic sunset montipora frag this weekend. I'm concerned about this as well. I think I'm going to give it a small piece of rock to grow on to to see it's growth rate before I choose it's ultimate resting place. I'll be following along this thread for more information. What's the growth rate on yours?
I have a isolated rock covered in Sunset on a bare bottom. I must remove the rock and scrape the glass bottom to keep it from spreading. My Mystic Sunset I had to completely remove from the tank.

I have sunset monti that grows like crazy over other corals and thinking if there are ways to prevent it to grow in some direction? Looks like it will overtake everything in no time!

Frag it and trade/sell to obtain other hobby related items. In the past I've just broken pieces off of montis that were growing too large (or into an area I didnt want them).
Frag it and trade/sell to obtain other hobby related items. In the past I've just broken pieces off of montis that were growing too large (or into an area I didnt want them).

I think this is a gray option. Can't wait for this to grow out!

I have isolated rocks on the sand for mystic sunset and sunset (one for each) as they get to the edge they tend to plate out a little off the edge over the sand and then I can snap them off and sell as frags. Never will I put them on my main rockwork with acros.
On my bare bottom tank I tried putting rocks and the tops of frag plugs in the way of growth. That way I would break off the piece and have a frag to sell or trade while leaving the glass floor clean. This worked for a while but then I gave up.

The Jedi Mind Trick was another fast grower but much easier to deal with. It grows more like a plate rather then encrusting. When it gets too big it is easy to break off or totally remove. I just traded in a large plate leaving myself two one inch pieces on frag plug tops.
I use frag glue (acrylate) to control my encrusting montis. I just put some in my finger and cover the parts I want to kill. It is a never ending process, but it works. Good luck.
Looks like kalkwasser worked too - I put some on the border of monti and looks like it bleached it. Will see how it will react!