How to tell if ricordea is stressed?


In Memoriam
Okay, I recently bought a green ricordea frag online. It was in shipping for 2 days due to a shipping mistake and the bag was icy cold to the touch. The ric has some damage (nice cut looking thing). but i don't know if this thing is happy or not! It looks almost the same as it did when I was acclimating it except a lil better color and less slimy. It doesn't seem to respond to touch like most corals I have owned. I don't know if the flow is too much or perfect or anything.... So how do you tell with rics?




the signs of strss are generaly, staying small and sending their guts out their mouth. AS long as your stays mounted it looks OK. They can some time to get use to a move, you even my have to move it around to find a place it likes, but remember it takes time and let it stay for a week or two before moveing.
Looks like he had a bad night....Anything I can do or is it too far gone? It was fine last night before the lights went out....I don't wanna do anything that'll stress it out more....



Ugh...those photos are horrible but what I'm trying to show is that is has 2 big fuzzy jelly like balls comming out of it. looks like its melting.....
