HRV vs. Window AC


New member
Having some mildew issues in my basement,and am trying to decide my best plan for attack. Im reducing my overall water volume in the basement until I can get this under control. Which unit would be better suited for a basment to keep the humidity under control and to circulate air in my basement.
Any recommendations on Brands that are reputable? Efficiency would be a plus. I was told I need to keep my basement under 50% relative humidity. Today it was at 56%
The short answer is I don't have one:D

I think it depends a lot on what your tank situation will be. How many gallons in total? How many watts of lighting and other equipment? What is the room temperature with all the above running during both the winter and summer?

You might need two types of equipment to serve your needs year-round. I have a split AC unit for summer months to cool and dehumidify. I have a fan on a humidistat with fresh air intake for the winter months.

Each situation is a bit different, so more details would be helpful to know. I have a close friend here (capncapo) who is an HVAC genius that can offer advice too.
I had a similar problem with my old 150.I ran a portable a/c unit and it kept the humidity at about 50% and the tank stayed at about 80 degrees.With my new tank being much larger I am also worried about humidity.Running a dehumidifre heats up the room.My sump will be in the garage.I thought of using my other portable ac in there.I have an 4" hole in my garage door for a dryer vent.This will allow all the humid air to be vented out.This will help in the summer.Winter is dry and cold so its not a problem.
I'm in the northeast and have a basement sump with a few hundred gallons. I used a dehumidifier to keep humidity in check. I know they're not very popular in this crowd. The upside is that they're fairly cheap, very available and do the job well. The downside is they're loud(ish), produce heat and suck up a lot of energy (mine uses almost 600 watts). I only have to run mine part time to keep humidity around 50%. Noise and heat isn't an issue since my basement stays around 70 degrees even in the summer. The energy comsumption sucks, but it would be the same for an AC unit (and then I'd be cooling the area too much and my heaters would be working harder).

Another option might be to just cover your tanks.

If you have a good skimmer, the water should stay oxygenated. Heat might be the only real problem, but maybe you can solve that with a chiller plumbed outside???

Just another thought...