

New member
So I have searched extensively but haven't really found much for useful information. I was looking on the coralpedia website and after inspection of a couple of my Zoa colonies I have the tiny white hydroids that are on there Zoa pest page, they are quite small and if not inspected carefully don't really look like much. these colonies are not doing well so obviously these tiny intruders are potent. What can I do about this problem?
Have you done any searches here in this forum or Google to eradicate them?

Do a search on "RokleM Hydroids", I remember he had them and I think he knocked them down. Good luck.

Mucho Reef
This sounds tedious, but I had a frag that managed to get infested by these, and the advice I got was to pick them off with a pair of tweezers. A pair of nice $3 pointed tweezers and a bowl will take care of the problem. Grab the hydroids as far down the "vine" as you can, and pull upwards away from the frag while trying not to grab the zoanthid tissue. With about 20-30 minutes of your time, the zoanthids will be right as rain quickly.

Edit: Make sure to periodically dip the zoanthids back into the bowl of tank water to help keep it moist.
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