I’m a idiot


New member
It is what it is ,my cal and alk are jacked up to say the least. Coralline is starting bleach, corals not fully extending etc.. pretty sure it’s crashing and I figured I would do a shout out before I say f it all and preform a massive water change. Any advice would be appreciated . Tanks been set up for almost 9 months and it was thriving. Deep deep rich purple and red coralline caked 100% of my Marco rock (approximately 100lbs) I dosed way too much cal a month ago without testing cal because I’m a piece of *$¥%[ . And to ad insult to injury my simple ass sky rocketed my dkh while asleep last nite . Kept it at consistent 9 , as of this morning it’s now sitting at 11.5 . I’ve been battling high calcium for a month with zero success 560 and it refuses to come down even after /30 /40% water changes. My mag is slightly high at 1450 which I don’t understand considering I’ve never dosed mag not a single time. My tank wad looking fantastic and it still looks okay , unfortunately noticeable coralline dying in tiny amounts every morning I wake up and take a look , it’s a horrible way to start your day. Any a 120 mixed peninsula, 40 breed. Alk 11 cal 560 mag 1450 refugium nitrate 6 pho barely noticeable. Any advice would be dope but I’m not going to hold my breath im the idiot who jacked my sheet
First, I'm moving this to a forum where you'll get more views/responses.

The first step I would take is to mix a fresh batch of saltwater and test the parameters. I had been using Coralife salt for decades until I got two batches (with different batch numbers) in a row that has super high Ca and super low Alk. Yes, bad batches of salt. I've since switched to IO.

Also, when you get a new bag/bucket of salt, do you mix it? Salt can settle while in storage and sometimes needs mixing to get the ingredients re-mixed. Whenever I buy a new bucket of salt, I always roll the bucket around on the floor for a while to mix it.

Also, what are you using to test your water parameters? Test kits? If so, which brand?

Once we rule out a bad batch of salt, we can look at other things.
I’m having troubles understanding which forum I’m putting these in? Thank you for moving it to get some more exposure ,unfortunately no one has responded lol . My history with this website is consistently no use , so thank you for taking time and replying . My testing instruments are all Hannah products. The salt mix I use has always been IO . I had a major f up two months ago when replacing my membrane, accidentally hooked up incorrectly, essentially was mixing with straight tap water on a 30 gallon water change . I fixed that issue and recovered new corraline growth and full extensions on every coral . Everything was looking fantastic after the membrane issue . About three weeks ago I started to notice loss of color on my rocks coralline , then gradually started to notice the need of not having to scrape any new growth off of the glass(peninsula, so tons of glass) when I was scraping it off daily . I have yet to any new specs appearing in my display or my sump. My calcium is fd up at my own error. Was dosing cal to keep up with the coralline and thought I had dialed in and messed up one time without testing, added cal and really really skrewed eveythjng up. I don’t know what to do the tank looks worse everyday
First, mix up a fresh batch of saltwater and test that. Let's make sure you don't have a bad batch of salt.