I am giving up on MUSHROOMS!


New member
I hvae 3 different types of shrooms and none of them open fully! Grrr!!!
There is one that came in on a piece of live rock, that's been in the tank since day one so it's been about 3 and half monthsor so that opens fully.. The others have been in there for 2 weeks to a month...
I've tried them iin all different dorts of areas.. They won't open... What am I doing wrong?
Zoanthids & GSP are doing great, Hammer coral is fine...
Params are good...
Place in a low flow and bottom of the tank and leave them alone, as long as they are not melting. My steel blue florida ric is still not fully open after more than 2 months. The others opened within days and have already split. My blues are huge! So be patient, back off a little and watch.
First, I don't believe You are giving up. Secondly, as has been said before, the rics don't like alot of flow and don't really need lottsa light. Thirdly, you didn't mention whether you have YUMAS or FLORIDAS. Some YUMAS are very finicky and die for no reason if you really want some great advice on rics--better than I can give, PM Currentking. Good luck, I know you'll do fine.
my mushrooms love icky water so if your water conditions are perfect could be a problem.....go figure i threw a mushroom in during the cycle and only 1x koralia #4 on the opposite side of the tank, and it went nuts....go figure
My purple/green and steel blue have yet to open after several months. I think some of them just don't open. I know everything ok cause I had a crab attack a yellow Ric and its bounced back great. Its about 2 inches from the purple/green, and has double its size since the attack.