I have a question about my yellow tang...


New member
My yellow tang has black spots on it. A lot of little spots not a couple big ones. I understand that ich is white? The fish is doing fine he eats, he swims with his fins open, and doesnt act sick. His whole body is covered in it. None of my other fishes have this problem.
An picture would probally help, the only thing I know is that when my fish had ick, alteast my hippo tang, when the ick fell off it left black/darkened spots larger than the ick it's self, which I think where the wounds. They cleared up though. If it is very small black spots it maybe some kind of parasite but I don't know.
there is also such thing as black ick just to let you know, has the tang beeen scatrching itself against rock, breathing hard, puffy or cloudy eyes, lack of diet, what is its diet?
To cure black ich, you can't stress the tang any and soak his food in garlic. Once both of those are done, in a few days the tang should start to fight it off and it should go away.
Simple fresh water dips will rid the Tang of black ich:)

This is actually A worm, very common in Yellow Tangs
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Yea, now the yellow tang doesn't have the black spots anymore but scratches it self against the rocks. The tang eats well and it seems like it is getting better can I just leave it will this be ok?
If he continues to scratch up against rocks, I'd say possibly flukes. A fresh water bath may be in order here.
Ya tangs are know to carry several parasites. I always give them a freshwater dip before adding them to my eels tank.
Yea, I just did a freshwater dip it seems like the tang is doing much better. He doesnt scratch himslef anymore. I did it for about 15 how long do you guys do it for?
SWonly said:
Ya tangs are know to carry several parasites. I always give them a freshwater dip before adding them to my eels tank.

You are bad:lol: :lol:

Anyway, I will dip up to 10 minutes, unless the fish is freaking out or laying on the botton and won't move if i nudge him. Usually mine are about 7-8 min
It is night time now about 6 hours after the freshwater dip the tang looks like it is in really bad condition. He seems really weak dang I hope he pulles through.
Did you make sure to match the temp.and P.H to that of your main tank? did you add tap water conditioner and an airstone? of course, had anything gone wrong w/ the dip, he might not have made it. Hope he is okay in the morning:(
He's a goner. Just passed away!!! damn it! I dont think it was the ich or whatever it is that killed the tang I think it was the 15min dip....
Sorry to hear that. I dont ever dip for more than 7 or 8 min. And you must make sure the Temp and PH are as close as possible to your tank. Also you need to condition the tap water with either Novaqua or Stress coat. Anyway thats what I do and have had many successful dips.
I know this is an old thread, but I have a tang with black ich as well...It is my OWN fault for trusting the LFS...I did NOT QT it...'sunshine' is now in my 72gl display, and I can't catch him..nor do I want to attempt to catch him again. I have softies and various shrimp, including a fire shrimp who shows no interest in 'cleaning' the tang.
The tang was added Saturday, and it's now Tuesday evening.
I discovered the black dots Sunday night.
I have been adding garlic to his food..can't do a formalyn or fw dip because I can't catch him...I am afraid if I take apart the tank, it will cause stress to all the other critters...as I JUST did this a few weeks ago trying to catch a mantis who has been in there for a couple years. that's a whole 'nuther post, but the mantis is in the qt tank at the moment.
Anyway..all suggestions appreciated..I sooo hope the black ich goes away once the tang has enough garlic.
Also afraid to raise temp and do hypo because of other tankmates etc.