I help deciding equipment for a 220gal

JW Jersey

New member
Hey everyone and Thanks. I am getting ready to upgrade my 90gal to a 220gal that will be mostly sps and BB. The tank will be L72"xW30"xH24", It will Have a external overflow, 1/2 inch starfire front and sides and euro braced. Before I order the tank I can't decide if I want to have it drilled for closed loop. I do plan on putting multiple tunzies in this system and maybe a wavebox for the flow. If you you would recommend a closed loop setup how many returns would you have and what pump would be best. I would use the closed loop for mainly behind the rock work. Another question is about a skimmer I was thinking a Deltec 701 or a 702. What would you recommend. Thanks again...John
I run a closed loop myself. For me, it was really a cost issue. Tunze are very appeaing for their controllability, but are big bucks upfront. If you can afford it, i say go with the tunze. On the skimmer, the 701 or 851 will probably do just fine. If you have a large sump, and plan on hooking up a frag grow out tank etc, you might want to go up to the 702. But again, thats a big cost increase. But like before, if you can afford it, get the oversized model!