I need new T5 where.


Does anybody know where to get t5's online. Shipping in most places is crazy but if I have to pay it I guess I can't complain. who is the most reasonable. Where have do you buy yours?
Thanks for the Help.
Shipping is going to be expensive no matter where you get your bulbs from, as it's the bulb's length and delicate nature that is why they're expensive and difficult to ship to prevent breakage. I would highly consider calling some of the LFS around and seeing if they carry and/or can order the bulbs that you're looking for, as I'm sure even if they charge more than the online dealers, at least with them you don't have to pay shipping, since they can combine the shipping for numerous sets of bulbs, or just get some locally from distributors (sunlight supply comes to mind).

I've gotten sweet deals on bulbs from David at CoralReefFarm, so I would call him first to see if he can get them. If they can't, then I would call some other LFS in the area and see what they run. If you still can't find the bulb you're looking for, then I would do an online order, but first I would see if anyone else needs bulbs, so you can do a larger order and split up the costs of shipping among a few people.
Reef Geek dot com has good prices and they are a friend to the club. They've donated a lighting kit for our upcoming Frag Swap. I've dealt with them on several occasions, their products are packed very safely and order processing is quick. Actually, I just received a box of T5 bulbs today, Geismann AquaBlue.
The problem is you're not going to find T5 bulbs locally, I don't know any LFS that stocks them. So you can either order them from a LFS and wait, or order them online and wait, works out about the same... a few days.
Reef Geek was the only place I've found reasonable too.
How do you like the Geismann's? I'm kinda undecided on brand too. Never Ran T5's with MH. just Vho'S

Yes local fish stores don't typically sell them I'm starting to notice And I'm sure their not cheap either if they do.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11916857#post11916857 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by TheReefKeeper
Reef Geek was the only place I've found reasonable too.
How do you like the Geismann's? I'm kinda undecided on brand too. Never Ran T5's with MH. just Vho'S

Yes local fish stores don't typically sell them I'm starting to notice And I'm sure their not cheap either if they do.

I have Current T5 fixtures on both my tanks. The Geismanns are much brighter than the stock tubes IME. I recommend the Aqua Blue and Actinic Plus. But that's the great thing about T5s, you can mix and match. Swapping out one or two at a time lessens the impact to your critters caused by sudden changes.
But that's the great thing about T5s, you can mix and match. Swapping out one or two at a time lessens the impact to your critters caused by sudden changes.

Thanks Bro'
Good point.

Have you tried the ATI pro color?
I was thinking of 1 pro color and 3 true actinic.
I have 2 400w 12k reeflux.
What's your opinion.
I ordered all of my bulbs from reefgeek and shipping was only $12 and they ship them very well. They also have really good prices. If you want to buy bulbs locally I would get the giuesmens from Coral Reef Farm, they usually have them in stock and for a great price.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11917737#post11917737 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by TheReefKeeper
Thanks Bro'
Good point.

Have you tried the ATI pro color?
I was thinking of 1 pro color and 3 true actinic.
I have 2 400w 12k reeflux.
What's your opinion.

I haven't tried the ATIs, but I would suggest sticking with a 50/50 blend of daylight and actinic bulbs in a purely T5 setup. The AquaBlue (IMO a bad marketing choice name) is actually a 12000k daylight bulb.
I've just received my order from reefgeek.....ordered from them in the past....great service......quick service....good prices....board supporter too.
i just got my new t5 bulbs from reefgeek last night these things where packaged great. they double boxed them and shipping for 8 48in bulbs were only 10 bucks. they also have the best selection of t5s and there prices arent bad either.