I need some advice please!


New member
My friend has been buying an octopus and putting him in a display tanks. We think he is switching tanks. We have lost two and customers would like to actually see it. I was thinking of putting him in a completly seperate tank just for him. Could u all give me advice so he cant get out and so it would be easy for customers to view. Any suggestions I would appreciate! Thanks!
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/949eYdEz3Es" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

They are escape artist... tight fitting lids, and everything sealed off is best.

Consiture a submerged critter container (and if the octo is small seal off the holes...) to house them in for customer viewing.

People have reported having an octopus in their basement... and then finding it in their reef tank in their upstairs living room....
People have reported having an octopus in their basement... and then finding it in their reef tank in their upstairs living room....
Haven't heard this one before...
But yeah, it could happen. Octopus escape through almost everything.
Keep in mind if the octopus is in a clear tank with no escape holes for an extended periods, it might stress out and die.

One way to octo-proof is to use a lid and a brick. Duct tape works very well. For larger octopus, I have heard of astro-turf working to deter them, but I trust a layer of duct tape more.
Also, octopus love to rearrange rocks and stuff. So display tanks and octopus could mean dead coral.
I don't have my source for where I heard that (long time ago)

But I read once again on a blog for octopus that if you have a tank nearby to the octo's, then they will atempt to crawl in it for a snack. Highly intelligant animals.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/GQwJXvlTWDw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>