I neeeeeed another tank


New member
I am looking for anything between a 29 and a 55 OR below 90 if it is not the traditional 48" long style.
Stand is not needed but if you are selling as a package I will consider that as well.

I am going to be going through Memphis right on up to Jonesboro, AR this coming weekend so I could pick it up then.

I have a 65G for sale. Its the 48" standard but I'll have to get the other measurements for ya. I believe its 12x25x48. But don't quote me on that.
Ill make you a deal...... if you will help me find a complete 125 setup I will make you a great deal on a 55g!!!!! :)
hehe thanks guys for all the offers i got in pm and on here as well. I should of been a bit more clear when I said what I needed. I cannot do a 48" as I only have about 40" in length I can spare. As it is I am going to be taking down one of my computers to make that much room.
Sacrifices sacrifices..lol