i think my raccoon butterfly's days are numbered -


New member
hovering/floating rather than swimming across the front of the glass like he normally does
ate very little in the last 2 days
looks ok , but acting sick
any thoughts anyone ?
90g fowlr
100# of lr
80# of ls
tank up 2 months
pr of clowns
6 line
cleaner shrimp
cc strfsh
coral beauty

everyone else acting fine and looking fine

sg 1.021
amon - 0
trites -0
trates - 30
temp - 80

skimmer skimming fine
wet/dry ok
2 units of chemi-pure in the area by skimmer
How long have you had the fish? What's your pH reading, and what are you feeding the fish? Was it quarantined?
have him about a month
no quarrantine
ph 8.2
all frozen foods - mysys and angel and butterfly diet - a cube a day
Is the fish eating?
Try a couple of large water changes as a start. Kind of hard to say w/o the presence of physical symptoms. Your water appears within normal limits. The fish may have been ill when you purchased it and is just now beginning to show symptoms.
he's a goner - yesterday after work
don't understand
everyone else happy , fine and ok - 6 line , coral beauty, pr of clowns, cc strfsh , and cleaner shrimp
he was eating fine(had him about a month) - until sunday - then he stopping eating and looked progressively worse-
i do want to mention - he had 3 white (salt looking) spots on him for the last 2 wks , one on another fin - total of less than 6 on his whole body
ick ?
no one else has it -
and it never got any worse than those 5 or 6 spots
i know btrflys are delicate - but my water quality is fine -
one other thing - did i feed him TOO little - a cube a day ? - alternated between mysys, formula two pellets , and angel and butterfly diet