I want a Torch Coral. Advice wanted.


New member
I have only been in the saltwater hobby for 5 months now and have only soft corals in my tank. I have plenty of room for an LPS. I would like to keep a torch coral, but I have a few questions. Is the torch coral an alright beginner LPS coral? BTW, I already supplement Iodine, Strontium, and Molybdenum. My Calcium level is ~420 ppm on a weekly basis. I have pretty good water chemistry. Will this coral do fine in some what low lighting? I have a 24" tall tank and my tank gets about 2.95 watts of PCs per gallon of water. I have good water flow also. Please tell me how all this sounds to you and if there's anything important I'm missing let me know please.
torch coral is great. It was the second coral I ever put in my tank and is now splitting. There easy to care for. Get it. At first I had it under 50/50 and it was fine for 5 months and now it's under MH and is kicking a**.
He said PCs, my first reactionm since it sounds like a 2 x 96 watt fixture would be maybe, if it is up high in the tank. Also, "pretty good water chemistry" is kinda relative, what pretty good to one person isn't to another, but torches are pretty tolerant in that respect. But in a 24" deep tank PCs probably won't get enough light down to the bottom to support it.
I added a torch to my tank at about 4 months and it's done great. My tank is now 10 months old. My clowns host in it and it's been really easy to care for.
Torches don't need that much light.
worse comes to worse, move it higher as needed.