I will never buy Jebao products again

jim t

New member
We just moved 100 miles south. I upgraded from 75 to 180g. It's 2 am and finally have everything ready
And go to turn on my DCT12000........ No power. Nothing. Pump will not turn on. I will be shopping for a new pump tomorrow. Hopefully Faois or marine warehouse has one in stock. I guess it's my fault, the pump had a lot of bad reviews but some great one too
How old is the pump? Where did you buy it from?

If you bought it from fish street they have a 1 yr warranty.
Does the controller power up? I have two Jebao return pumps and when they've dried out for some time they "stick" and I need to spin the impellers to get them freed up so they will start again..

If you need to borrow a pump until you get a new one I have a few smaller ones that could get you through a few days
I think the power box(rectangular thing) is bad. I don't think it's a pump issue. Thank you for the offer. Hopefully some stores will have pumps in stock
I have a 1110gph panworld 50px-x external pump that is like new. You could use until you get one or I'd let it go for $75 if you wanted to keep.
You could check coral corral too. They have a lot of stuff in stock and are located in between faois and marine warehouse
I ended up going the 2 pump way. I purchased a Sicce syncra 4 from Marine Warehouse. I will buy a 3 also. I have always used 2 pumps. I was trying something new. I didn't work