ich in my tank


so i think my tank has ich. what can i do without having a hospital tank? ive noticed some of my fish have been rubbing off of rocks and sand since i out this yellow tang in my tank a few weeks ago. and now im starting to notice some white spots, hoping the local community can give me some help. i dont want my system to crash cause of this i will be majorly bummed.
feed fresh chopped garlic,try water change, and buy a cleaner wrasse but most importantly find out what's causing the stress in your tank
I have tangs in my tank and I bought some liquid garlic. I forget the name of it. Anyways, I put a couple drops on the mysis and let it soak it up before I feed. If you dont have corals in your tank you can run a UV sterilizer to prevent an outbreak.
As long as the fish are eating a bunch and are active the ich will run its coarse and die off. If the fish become more stressed its health will decline. the parasites will take over the fish eventually killing it. I have a shark nose goby that follows my tang around and nips the little bugs off of him. Todd @ something fishy near Allentown has a good selection of cleaning fish and fairly cheap. If your not familiar with his store check out toofishy.com they are closed on Mondays and Tuesday's.
thanks tbundy i will check it out. fish are very active and eat everyday. with the water changes how often do i do them and what kind of garlic drops do i buy? is it from the grocery store or the fish store?
Water changes will be done weekly. The wc will not be very effective in removing the free floating eggs of the parasite but will keep tank perameters in check and lower tank stress levels. The happier the fish the healthier they are. The garlic drops are a product that can be found at a lfs. They are sold in small glass vials and are 2oz in size. If you don't have a saltwater pet store near by fresh garlic from the grocery store can be chopped up and fed in small amounts with the normal food fed to the tank. The garlic is believed to boost immunity in fish just like in us fish keepers :)
parasites are present in every reef tank.When a fish becomes stressed it will show signs of parasites.Poor Water quality is the most common stressor that brings it on.A cleaner wrasse or cleaner shrimp will keep the parasites at bay and break the cycle.Do not dose anything in the tank that claims to irradiate this or you will be in a much worse position then now.Feed nori and high quality frozen sparingly and keep water quality as perfect as possible,add a cleaner and you will be golden.
Dan i have put in a cleaner shrimp and have some nori so i will try that. The yelloe tang i got from you may be upsetting my other tank mates. I am going to keep a close eye on this and ill report back in a few days. Also dan i got my spectrapure ro/di in and it works great. How is the anemone doing? Cant eait to get mine from you.