Ich.. my experience with battle in DT. New "Bluichtiof" treatment.


Guys, I just wanted to share my experience with you.

I went through battle with Ich in my reef tank since Sep. I brought ich to my mature 3 years old tank with new addition of Pyramid Butterflyfish. Outbreak was heavy and in total I lost 3 Pyramids, 1 Copperband, 2 Genicanthus. As I have full growth SPS tank I decided to go for management as I have no option for treatment tank and catching all fish without devastating corals.

Following measures has been applied at first stage: UV, garlic and vitamins. As the result most of the fish like Anthias and Yellow tangs, Naso, Blue tang get rid of ich and I did not see single spot on them since then. Things looked bad at Brown Powder Tang and Regal Angelfish (both more than 2 years in my tank). Powder was heavily infected but fighting hard - eating well and remaining active and looking fat. Regal looked terribly and I though he was dying as infection went to his gills and fish stayed in strong water pump current having difficulty with breathing.

Second stage: I have read some texts here and applied H2O2 dosing. In order to not shock reef inhabitants I went slow and started with 30ml in first week ramping up to around 140ml in week 8. I can not say many good things about this treatment beside the fact that Regal made it trough and is clean since 2 months however I am not sure it is thanks to this treatment. Brown Powder Tang remained infected. Down side of of H2o2 - it has impact on bacteria and caused nitrate growth (growth - not spike) and eventually killed half of my shrimp population. Side effect on shrimps was easy to notice from the beginning - their activity has slow down significantly.
Overall tank condition was good and and no negative effects on corals observed. All fish clean, just Blue Powder has some spots.

After that I decided to add one Angelfish from certain source - I know it was not good idea from Ich standpoint but considering stable situation in tank and fact that H2O2 was dosed I though I will take the risk thinking that free swimming ich will be oxidised by H2O2. After 3 days Angelfish look terribly bad - spots everywhere. After that I am full of doubts about H2O2 cure effectiveness.

Third stage: I decided to give a try with relatively new "Bluichtiof" specific manufactured by polish company Reef Scorpionfish. From what I read on product description it is not designed for eradication but management however it is rather closer oto the first one. Cure has 2 specifics - one added to food (guess these are vitamins to boost immune fish) and second is added to water and it is acting on Ich free swimming stage. What I read it is based on Iodium and Silver and do not contain copper. Treatment last 10 days and medication remain in the tank for at least month after that. No additional husbandry required, no problem with skimmer and biologic filters.

I have finished treatment 2 days ago: effects are very encouraging. No side effects noticed (perhaps slight cyano pop-up) . Corals and inverts are ok. Difference on fish is obvious. I think it was worth to try and will keep you updated how the things are going. I know how hard it is to fight Ich off in display and perhaps we have step forward here with this cure.
Fish before treatmeny


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Thank you for that post.

One of the 'hidden' (no pun intended as you read on) problems with marine ich is that it has been scientifically shown to 'hibernate' in anaerobic areas of the DT system for months. What are these areas? They include
Canaster filters
Old carbon filters (replace carbon often)
Thick substrates (below surface where oxygen is lean)
Under rocks sitting on substrate
In rocks (living rocks with crevices as well as dead rock that (from a human perspective) is nonporous)

To beat marine ich in a large DT is a challenge. It should be noted that these 'treatments' have no scientific fact:
Hydrogen Peroxide
UV (can only kill marine ich in its free-swimming stage and then only if they pass through the UV)

Oh, you will find a ton of anecdotal claims testifying successes of the above, but it isn't a fact and hasn't been proven.

Letting a DT go 'fallow' doesn't always work either. We (hobbyists) were guided that, due to the life cycle of marine ich that leaving a DT go fallow (no fish) for 76 days would rid the DT of marine ich. But we now know that this little 'bug' has the ability to hide (hence the pun) in low or no oxygen locations, encyst itself, and when conditions are favorable again, carry on with their (wicked?) life cycle.

To best wrangle (not necessarily beat) marine ich in a reef DT it would require as a minimum:
Extra circulation (NOTE: some corals may not like this process)
Aeration increases (be sure air going in is 'fresh air' not stale room air)
Sterilizing canister filters and any filter where areas of oxygen depreciation may exist (use bleach and many, many rinses)
The use of open-air sumps
Reduce depth of substrate
Move rocks where low oxygen areas may exist (also not particularly friendly to corals), e.g., from on top of substrate and then
After all the above is done, let DT go fallow for 96+ days.

What isn't readily addressed are the tiny crevices within existing rock so after all the above, it may require repeating the entire process again, from top to bottom. Fun, huh!?

And yet the simplest process is to prevent marine ich from getting into the DT. Quarantine all marine life. Make sure they are healthy and eating properly (see Fish Nutrition) and are disease-free.
Thank You. These are excellent points. Regarding better husbandry, addressing areation, improving flow these all are adressed and I also believe it is key when it comes to live or die for fish. If fish are in good condition what is obviously related to factors mentioned chances to tackle parasite are improving a lot.

What I intend to do now (not claiming ich is eradicated) is to observe. If still no negative impact of Bluichtiof on my reef observed I will likely repeat cure cycle in 6-8weeks.

I also believe ich is something that marine maniac will encounter sooner or later unless we are not adding any fish to the established tank. Not saying that new medication is perfect. Will observe and report. I am saying that I see improvement and no significant side effects on my system. I am more than happy to see it after rather disappointing H2O2 cycle.
Not just when adding fish, but when adding any marine life (e.g., corals, snails, crabs, shrimp, plants). Best procedure is to QT all marine life so aquarists don't experience disease in the DT.

Good luck! :)
2 weeks after Reef Scorpionfish treatment. Fish seem fat and happy.


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