So i went to the lfs today and found this in the display tank they had set up
It was marked as a zoo and i found it quite interesting and massive for a zoo at that price. I posted it because I guess I stressed it out from a standard dip that I do to all zoo's I bring home and it started to slime. I was then told that what i have is no zoo but rather a cup coral. Is this a cup coral and if so what in the world do i do to take care of it? Also if anyone knows about what these things typically run in price i would be interested because I may consider taking it to a store locally here that doesn't typically mismark it's corals. It's about 7 inches long and 6 inches tall. Probably close to 70 or 80 polyps in all. I figure if I can make some cash on this one it would be great. If not I would apperciate an ID and some care instructions.
It was marked as a zoo and i found it quite interesting and massive for a zoo at that price. I posted it because I guess I stressed it out from a standard dip that I do to all zoo's I bring home and it started to slime. I was then told that what i have is no zoo but rather a cup coral. Is this a cup coral and if so what in the world do i do to take care of it? Also if anyone knows about what these things typically run in price i would be interested because I may consider taking it to a store locally here that doesn't typically mismark it's corals. It's about 7 inches long and 6 inches tall. Probably close to 70 or 80 polyps in all. I figure if I can make some cash on this one it would be great. If not I would apperciate an ID and some care instructions.