New member
I have 3 corals. They have been in my tank for a month and a half. for the first month they looked gorgeous. Were in full bloom no issues. The last week and a half they have started to deflate and stay deflated. I also have an RTA but has never been close to any of them?
Also I am not 100% sure what species I have.
Tank Mates include:
Copperband Butterfly
Yellow Tang
2 Oce Clowns
Yellowtail Blue Damsel
Scarlet Skunk Shrimp
Salt: 1.027-8
Temp: 79-80 degrees
pH: 8.3
Ammonia, Nitrite, Phosphate: 0 ppm
Nitrates: 6 ppm
Ca: 440 ppm
kH: 178 ppm
I have a LED Light that when they were introduced loved and looked better in my tank than at the store.
This tank is also 85 Gallons and half full with dead rock/live rock. Its a mix.
Also I am not 100% sure what species I have.
Tank Mates include:
Copperband Butterfly
Yellow Tang
2 Oce Clowns
Yellowtail Blue Damsel
Scarlet Skunk Shrimp
Salt: 1.027-8
Temp: 79-80 degrees
pH: 8.3
Ammonia, Nitrite, Phosphate: 0 ppm
Nitrates: 6 ppm
Ca: 440 ppm
kH: 178 ppm
I have a LED Light that when they were introduced loved and looked better in my tank than at the store.
This tank is also 85 Gallons and half full with dead rock/live rock. Its a mix.