ID help please


New member
I've seen some corals being looked at in here that are similar to this, just thought I'd ask for some opinions. Guy I got it from said he was just told it was a finger leather of some sort and left it at that. First shot is with polyps retracted:


...and with polyps out:


thanks for the help. :cool:
Not sure of the name either, but it does look like a leather of some sort!

either way the color is amazing, if you want to frag that puppy I'd be first in line for a piece!!!!!
Yeah, you see the two little junior frags down at the bottom? The big one started out smaller than one of those just this past Feb.'re a travel consultant in FL and I'm thinking about taking a vacation in FL next year...hmmmm :lol:

If I did frag this thing, I'd like to know what to call it, instead of "Would anybody like frags of this green stuff?" ;)
This looks a bit like my side ways growing singulera(sp). However the pic with the polyps out lead me to believe that it is some thing else. Although you may be having better polyp extension since you are using different lights then me.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7725110#post7725110 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by theop
Looks like a green nepthia.
Take a look at this thread:

Ah yes, THAT thread is what got me wondering. If you follow it along, the tide turns from corals looking like this as being nepthea to then not being that, but being sinularia instead. And furthering the ID puzzle by saying that nepthea are supposed to be hard to keep (this one has not been hard for me to keep) and needing microscopic inspection to be able to identify more distinctly. Additionally, I have recently been gathering up some SPS frags in my tank and I believe I have read somewhere that sinularia is not so good to keep with SPS, so you can see why an ID was of interest to me if this is a coral that's going to give my new SPS guys trouble. But yes, it looks just like several of those pics in that thread.
I have one that looks like yours and i was told it was a green sinularia. IMO the nepthea looks like it has differant polyps ?
See Ya !
Come on Down Shooter!! Where do you plan on going for Vacation? I'm in the Tampa Bay area, Gulf Coast!

And yeah ... if that coral is going to give your SPS problems you better pack it up quick and send it my way! I may be able to work out some free hotel stays or something for ya ... WINK WINK, NUDGE NUDGE!!!
:lol: Having to wait and see if the finances are going to be there, but the plan right now is SeaWorld for the young'uns (well, and me too), followed by a relaxing stay in Destin (my favorite place to kick back).

And that is downright swell of you to offer to take that troublesome coral off my hands. :rolleyes: I'll keep it in mind. ;)
Hahaha ..... No problem, PM me when your ready to ship and I'll give you my info!

Very cool on your trip. I'm going to SeaWorld this weekend .... hopefully the weather holds up! If you are really planning on coming, you need to look into some places in Orlando. You can find some nice 3-4 bedroom condos and Houses for around the same price you can get a Hotel room ... and the houses come with Private pools!!! We are staying at one this weekend and we paid $119 a night for a 4 bedroom Condo!!

Let me know and I can find out some info for you!