Id my sps please...


New member
Can you guys id the following sps corals please??


Thank you for all your help. I really appreciate it! So far these has been identified:

#1 -
#2 - A. Valida
#3 - A. Insignis
#4 - A. Millepora
#5 -
#6 - A. Tenius
#7 -
#8 - A. Yongei
#9 - A. Austera

One of you guys said that #5 was a milli, however mother colony was more like a table acro than a branching one. Anyone has anything to add?
this is a frivilous game. unless a coral is fraged allowed to die and then the skeleton is examined in a lab it is quite hard to tell on most corals. some are inmistakable i agree. but most are not as easy as look and tell.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6741057#post6741057 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by GMFett
this is a frivilous game. unless a coral is fraged allowed to die and then the skeleton is examined in a lab it is quite hard to tell on most corals. some are inmistakable i agree. but most are not as easy as look and tell.

Thanks for reply. That's interesting. I didn't know that this is that hard.
I mean for me they look almost the same, for example the first three acros although they have different colour, I tried to match them with the ones that I saw on the net but it wasn't any better. When I bought #7 & #8, I was told that they are millis, and I believed they are even thou I couldn't match them with any other milliporas I found. Well, once you guys post a name, I use a search engine than I see the similarities :)

I love this hobby, you are constatnly learning new things!

Thanks again to everone that cleard this up! :thumbsup:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6738580#post6738580 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by reptoreef
is it possible that #5 is samoensis?

I think that you're right! That's exactly how the mother colony looked like. Thanks!
Just to sum it up, so far:

#1 -
#2 - A. Valida
#3 - A. Insignis
#4 - A. Millepora
#5 - A. Samoensis
#6 - A. Tenius
#7 -
#8 - A. Yongei
#9 - A. Austera

Thanks for all your help!