id please


New member
i was told this is a oregon tort a while back but i still got my doughts can some one help me out on this 2 id thanks

and this one i forgot what i was told it was

thanks for all the help
I would just say it was blue torte, maybe it is the Cali blue torte if it grows pretty fast. The orgen torte is a slow grower.
The second looks like tri-color acro to me. Brown base, purple tips and green poylps. May different varities out there but all get labeled tri-color by me. LOL
sorry to bump in but curious about that first one - i have what i though was labeled as an ORA miami orchid that looks exactly like that - could my ID be wrong or is the miami orchid a tort too?
and the second i also have was sold to me as a tricolor valida
thanks for all the information guys , by the way the tort is a slow grower , doesnt the cali tort has green polyps or is this another kind of cali tort, thanks for all the responses
the second could be one of the many tricolor acros, first might be oregon tort,