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Looks like Pseudocorynactis sp.

Do a google search on these and I think you will find lots of info.
I don't know about that. I have some identical looking things in my aquarium and the biggest is 1 1/2" maybe 2". most are about half an inch across. I would be interested in a good ID of the picture thought. Especially if it is Pseudocorynactis, then I can add it to the list of stuff in my tank that intelligent people get rid of.
Unless someone else has an opinion I am going to go with Corallimorpharian, Indo-Pacific Pseudocorynactis sp. Since they are open during the light on cycle. The tips look more pink than orange to me though.
I have 5 or 6 total on the rock in my 6 gal coral only tank so I am going to leave them alone and see how big they get. I have some snails and 3 or 4 over grown blue leg crabs in there that are expendable. Just in case they ever get big enough to eat fish. Besides I am busy enough killing mojos, dont need another battle at the moment.
I had a few of those in my tank but mine would come out during the lights off period instead. Mine were more of a green color. Neat, but I never did find out what they were.
Caribbean species, Pseudocorynactis caribbaeorum mainly opens its tentacles at night, and closes rapidly when it senses light.
The Indo-Pacific species remains open both day and night, and is not sensitive to light.

I havent seen mine react to light.