id say one heck of an update.. (16 pics)

Chef Reef

In Memoriam
To me this is a pretty big change for my tank.. It went from about 10-15 lbs of rock to about 55-60 lbs right now.... new corals, a new fish. I love it.. Please let me know what you think or any suggestions. Pictures aren't the best but i dont have a fancy camera like most of you do ;) The new rock i got from Emilio and theres a yuma and some what looks like some ink metalic zoa's as well from him. hard to get a pic of the yuma so there isnt one. :(. And the Orange Gorgnian with red polyps, and the brown with green center and green with brown center polyp colony as well as the red fire cardinal are from Reefer26.

The stock list includes: Zebra goby, Red fire cardinal, SSS, 3 emrald crabs, 2 CUC's, 2 Big blue hermits, 3 astreia snails.

I think id like to add maybe 1-2 more smaller fish. maybe some clowns or something iunno yet, havent givin it much thought. i want to make sure this big change is gonna be fine first.

First heres some shots of what the tank looked like at about 2:00pm..



Heres what it looks like now that the dust has settled at 11:30pm.

left side.

middle left side

middle right


"Z" my zebra goby.
Polyp colony

Metalic pic zoas?

GSP and some xenia

Me trying to close up on the orange gorgnian

Another picture of the orange gorgnian

The red fire cardinal, (temp name tomato juice. :P)

Another shot of tomato juice.

And heres my biggest stalk of xenia.

Thanks for looking!
Very nice, looks good keep it up and let me know how it goes w the gorgonian, I want to get some but I heard theyre tough to keep!! but Looks good.
Theres also some green rics and some radioactive dragon eyes that are closed to the right of the metalic pink zoas in some of the pics. i will also link a video or 2.
thanks bernie. if you want some i can break off some off this peice and you can have it. i read up on em and from what i have read they are fairly easy. so we'll see.. :)
Oh ya, not all of the rock fit that i got from Emilio, so i have about 10 lbs in my sump and 2 big peices of tonga that i cant fit anywhere :( sad.. they are in a QT tank for now.
Man you're camera is way ahead of its time....2059 :-)

big change those gorgs...I've never been lucky with them. Wish u good luck!

PM me your ph# but I think Ill wait til the fragswap, just to see how your doing w them because they are probably in more capable hands right now!!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11547452#post11547452 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by djfrankie
Man you're camera is way ahead of its time....2059 :-)

big change those gorgs...I've never been lucky with them. Wish u good luck!


Oh yea, Thats the amazing Kodak EasyShare C633 for ya ;). Its super advanced. :P
the eel died.. i dont know what happened. i was at school and my girlfriend called me up and said he was dead. i dont understand why, he was eating fine and the water was perfect.. no new additions or anything. i just dont know.... :( pretty sad day when i got home
Thanks i will try to :P i think the only things i want right now for it are some colorful ric/mushrooms, maybe 1-2 more fish, a SMALL nem, and a whole list of equipment :P

Id like to get some new lights but thats a little ways down the road.. i just got these ones like 2-3 months ago.. also a calicum reactor, uv sterlizer, a bigger sump that i can put a fuge on, and maybe one more koralia. but that stuff is still a few months away.
looks a lot better, make sure the koralia is not too close to the surface it looks like it may be starting to suck down air. that can cause a bunch of microbubbles to happen in the tank. looks much better though