idaho, 210 reef project new need help.


New member
Okay, I have had a goal of doing a large reef for many years now. I intended to do something in the 300 to 400 gallon range, but settle for a 210g used tank I just bought. I have decided to put in our dinning room wall. Which will be framed out in to the garage.

I want to weigh the options before I start, and I would like to have everything thought out before I start. I want to be frugal, but will do what I have to to keep things going in the right direction. I want to focus on diversity, while maintaining as much of a self-sustaining environment as possible.

Here are some of the questions I need help with, while I am sure that you will have more for me.

* Deep sand bed in main tank, or do I do it in another tank or refugium? I have seen tanks with no substrate and others with just a little. I do like the idea of watching stuff move around under the substrate. need to be the size of the tank or could that and a deep sand bed be put in a smaller tank as part of the filter.
* Pros and cons for a rubble substrate.
* Considering a large rock formation on one side of the tank, can I do it as a wall with ledges, or will it be better to layer it a hill rather than a cliff.
* I have used "grunge," but is there a safe way to introduce larger beneficial critters, without bring in all the crap.
* How do I set up current so that I can support different levels needed, while setting up different lighting requirements?
* This tank will be 4 feet from a 6 foot wide glass door, which faces north west. Do I need to do something to those windows. We live at 4700 feet, so the sun can get intense in the summer.
* What are possible problems with wave makers. Is an alternating current better, or would a constant wave motion work better. Or are there certain things that like one thing or another.
* This little room will vent into the house, but can I put an air condition in the wall and use it as a cooler.
* Are there traders here in East Idaho?

I have more questions, but this can be a good start. Once I get some of this figured out, I will start a new thread with pics and my ideas to be scrutinized. Thanks for any Help.
Hi wachee,

If you wish to have a deep sand bed in your main display, it will be necessary to decide what you are planning to keep in the main tank because it will determine the amount and type of flow you require. If SPS coral than they need a lot of flow, and therefore may stir up the deep sand bed. You may wish to read one of the latest post in my thread (Creature Morpheus 3,000g Canada) on Deep Sand Beds for more of an explanation.

Also if you are placing the 210g tank on wooden floor joists, you will have to consider the structural loading. Or are you supporting off your garage floor?
I will look at that thread.

The tank will be supported on the foundation and the garage floor. I understand construction, and will have neighbor (Structural engineer) verify it.

As far as the current goes, that is the kind of info. I am looking for. I am hoping to mix different kinds. So that gets to the heart of my question. Do I put more current in different parts of the tank than others." 