ideal environment for ciliata?


New member
I've nearly pieced together most of my equipment and am going to be starting my mantis/softies tank come september-ish. I am hoping to aquire some type of spearing mantis, namely Pseudosquilla ciliata (I'd like to actually see it once in a while). Several questions:

The tank I got I believe is a 20g High. It looks like I have about 23" of height to work with, the tank dimensions look something like 23 x 20 x 10. I also have 100lbs of southdown as well so I can fill the thing with basically as much sand as I need to. Is there an ideal sandbed depth I can provide here for a spearer mantis? (ciliata, hopefully). I plan on using liverock for filteration and eventually having some soft corals (xenia, zoos, etc..) in there as well.

Also, I have a AC 300 HOB filter and one minijet (404?) powerhead for current. What type of current is this particular species used to? I would like to know if I should get an add'l PH or just use what I have, and where I should position it and such.

As for the lighting on there, it is a 96W powerquad PC, but I'm assuming the burrow and rocks will provide shelter from such if it is too bright?

I have found that Marvin (my mantis) much prefers rubble to sand for burrowing. He will make due with sand if necessary but has seemed to definately settle in the area of his tank that is mostly large chunks of shell, rock, etc.
He also decided he didnt like the softies in there much and decided to bury them, so remember to put corals high and away from anyplace he may be rearranging (which may be everywhere)
He lives in a 36 inch refugium which is now half plants and sand and half rubble. He ventures out to hunt in the plant side but mostly sticks to his caves.

Just my observance of my lil yellow fella.

Hmmm I'd rather use what I have already... and I'm worried about cleanliness with crushed coral or large chunks. I guess with a spearer I could get the usual clean up crew without too much worry? How deep does your mantis dig down?

thanks for the info.

Oh and how do ciliata take to PVC instead of just straight substrate?
Honestly, ive never used PVC for a burrow. I honestly am not sure how deep he digs down, theres probably a 3-4 inch sandbed which is then covered with rubble and shells and what not. I usually just see him running around with chunks of shell and rock building walls and such.
The only cleanup crew thats in with him now are some nass snails and they dont seem to mind each other. I have had hermits in with him in the past.
I didnt necessarily mean switch to crushed coral i guess, just maybe toss some little pieces of shell /rock rubble in there for him to play/reinforce with.

I'm counting on getting my mantis tomorrow(pseudosquilla). My sand depth is 2 inches. I also have some CC in there mixed with it. I'm going to make it deeper though about 3" atleast. Can't wait!!!!
Dont worry, I got my P. Ciliata in fine sand and he makes burrows perfectly fine. Just make sure to give him some working materials (tiny chunks of LR, shells, etc). Mine lined his cave with shells and chunks of lr (or at least that opening is) Dont worry about using pvc, your mantis will build a cave for itself in a few days. Mine tends to have caves that enter and exit on the edge of my LR. As far as sand depth, Im running about 3.8 inches of sand (not quite 4). Word of caution, you may wanna slap a cheap skimmer on that thing because of the food and waste tend to get my tank pretty dirty pretty quick. ONLY after I did the MJ venturi and airstone upgrade to the bakpak on my mantis tank did i get the algae under controll and water clear. I feed mine damsels when i can but sometimes have to settle for mollies. Be sure and ask whoever you buy your food from if they run copper in their aquariums (make sure that they know its important because you cant have that with your mantis). I work at a LFS and we run copper in our fish aquariums to keep disease away. We always remind people not to use our water in their tanks but some LFS's just dont care. I usually put some of our mollies and our damsels in a seperate tank at our store without copper when we first get them in and use that for feeding my mantis. I dont know if fish being in water with copper will effect my mantis, but I dont even wanna risk it. As far as softies, I have red sea xenia, xenia elongota, shrooms, and several assorted polyps in my tank with my mantis and they are all ok. Trust me, your gonna enjoy this Mantis.:D