if its pricey its dicey!


does any one know if some zoas are more delicate than others...I have several colonies of tubbs,eagle eye,nuc green and so on but all of my cherished ones melted like my envy orange,alien invaders,blue hornets,jareds reds...basically if I paid alot they all died!!!!! any comments?
Hey letz

any good stores up there in your neck of the woods?? worth driving to?
for zoas N palys?

depends on alot of things... water chem coral placement water flo lighting etc
I got some good stuff from ultimatefrags.com located in San Jose. Exotic aquarium....pricey and your reef has good stuff as well...all these keep up their web sites except exotic you have to go there to see current stock.
Ive spoken with a transhipper about the "african blues" that i had been having trouble with (3 times now...they always melt).

He said those are collected in a super shallow area, and for one reason or another are very poor shippers. They expel all there zoanthelle (sp) during shipping, which then causes them melt when exposed to normal amounts of reef lighting.

He told me my best bet would be to find some that have been kept in an aquarium for atleast 12 months...so maybe other zoas are the same?
I actually lucked out tonight during a trade...i found a frag of 10+ that have been in someones tank for over 2 years now!

Ill get pics tomorrow when there open.