I'm getting dangerous now...


New member
Okay, I have a 29 with PC's and soft corals. I read all over to allow 10" between the corals, but then I see pics of other people's reefs and the corals are nearly touching. So my question is, how close is too close? Obviously the soft corals that I have are fast growers, so I want to allow for that, but with my limited space, when do I say when? I currently have:

One pc live rock with 10-15 mushrooms
one pc rock w/GSP
colt coral (6")
finger leather (3")
spaghetti leather (3")
cabbage coral (2x2)
and one capnella (carbonara) frag

Am I through? Will these corals be harmful toward each other?


I think you are safe. even though some of these can grow large, its gonna be a while. and im pretty sure they are all harmless to each other. its the SPS, and hynophoras that do more stinging. and LPS like hammer corals and others . the colts and capnellas will grow the fastest. I hope you have good luck and they grow fast. more frags to trade.
Thanks, Ken. I appreciate your help here. Would you say to stay away from all of the hard corals with this size tank and PC's, or do you think I could get away with say a brain, or something similar?
That depends on how many PCs you have over the tank. and the reflectors. i have a 75, which is about like your 55, just 4 inches wider front to back. i have 4 x 110 watt VHO bulbs over it (2 actinic, and 2 50/50), and grow pretty much anything. but i have a plenum sandbed system which raises the bottom so there is only 14 inches of water and rock piled high front to back. so most corals are pretty close to the lights.