I'm looking for giant bamboo


New member
Does anyone know of someone locally who either has a grove or sells it?
I'm looking for hardy species with culms in excess of 2".


Try TyTy Nursery. They carry lots of it... They carry a variety work blue canes..Internet... Think they r in Georgia.
Are you serious?? Bamboo-Bamboo??? It's growing out of control. How much do you want??

(You DON'T want the stuff B.)
I grew up with local bamboo in my back yard. Its easy to control if you know what to do. I'm wanting to start a bamboo garden but not with the 1" culm diameter thats common locally. I'm looking for MOSO or some of the timber bamboos. their culms can get 3-5".
Man! I had to look that one up!

Main Entry: culm
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin culmus stalk — more at haulm
Date: circa 1657
: a monocotyledonous stem (as of a grass or sedge)

Oh.... Great.

Now, what's monocotyledonous!?
Fat? Dude, you saw me last month. We have a picture of the kids and I standing next to Baloo the bear from our trip to DisneyWorld and I have to tell folks I'm the one that's not blue.