IM Nuvo 8 Gallon lighting help (Selection, suggestions wanted!)


New member
Hey everyone,

So I am starting to build out my nano reef and right now I have some GSP, a frogspawn and some leather. Nothing crazy I know. BUT I do want to get better lighting. the 8W led clamp may not cut it I am thinking, even though I am experiencing growth with my GSP, it isnt super fast but it is still growth.

I have been researching like a mad man and have found a few things that have caught my eye, namely the Par38 bulbs and a few other fixtures that I will be presenting to you guys and seeing if they are viable options for my tank!

My budget is around $100 but I can try and maybe splurge a little! Just keep that in mind

First up is the RapidLED PAr38 Bulb, this baby has 12 led's in a cool mixed config.

I am interested in this because of cost specifically, I am getting a lot of light output for the buck (or I think so)

RapidLED PAr38 Mixed

Next up is the Deep Blue 115 15w Solar Flare

I go to a reef shop in Milwaukee that has these and they swear by them and have told me that they can run clams under them , I have read some reviews saying they will possibly bleach corals. It is also $55 and shipped from amazon, so this is a nice cost effective method, but do you get what you pay for?

Solar Flare 15w

Next is the cheap cheap option, I wanted to throw this one in here because why not. It is the wave point 8w micro sun led array thing. And it has good reviews but like I said, you get what you pay for.

The micro sun, what a name

Now here is the splurge, the Reef Breeder nano. This looks to be the best one but I don't quite know if I really need it to be honest. This would be one of those things that seems like if you are going to do something you do it right. It looks awesome and I am considering it!

Reef Breeder Nano-Lite

I know this is a lot to digest but I really would enjoy the input. I am looking at buying these in the next few days and would love feedback!

Cameron :strooper:

Also love the forum, have been lurking for years!
I'm working on a similar project right now, and am interested to see what people say about these options!