in need of skimmer


In Memoriam
Hey I have this seaclone skimmer that just isn't cutting the task. I have about $100 to spend. Hoping that some one here has a decent one they can sell me. Let me know. Thanks!

For under $100, I could sell you an AquaC Remora. It's HOB though. Short of a Remora, I dunno what decent skimmer you can get for under $100.
many is making very nice skimmers maybe he can make one for u here is a pic of the last he make.......


Nice skimmer, but there is NO way that that skimmer will cost ANYWHERE near $100. Like MILES from $100. Good thought though. I bet each pump he uses costs well over $100.
not sure about that I was thinking a smaller skimmer for him NOT this huge skimmer :) BTW in that pic he was testing the skimmer with fresh water :)
Nah I know not that big for that price, but I know that regardless it would be very difficult for Manny to make a skimmer for around $100
I have 3 skimmers i can give you one for free they are pro clear aquatics,just pay for shipping, They are about 1 year old & i dont use them anymore .
But I need something for the mean time. this seaclone only gives me about 2 oz of crap a month. I empty it out every other month. I need something better than that. Thanks guys keep me posted.
