In Wall tank Questions


New member
So I am moving to a new house, and wanted to build my tank into the wall. I have a few questions for those of you who have done this.

What did you do, if anyting, to protect the drywall and framing from the salt and water?

I was thinking about tyvek, but eanted to see if any of you green boarded the walls.

Any help would be greatly appreciated
I used green board and painted every surface with good oil based paint gloss. I also tiled the walls inside my fish room with some cheap
home depot white tiles 6"x6" worked out to like 50 cents a square foot for the tile and glue.
I am biulding a 180g in-wall. I have used green board but instead of tiles as muligan used I used some good pimer (kilz) and covered everything, with caulk in all cracks.
yeah, but Hardibacker is just a cement board, my concern with that is it would let water through to the wood. I did not really want to tile and the tank would be in the maintenance room with a drain on the floor. So what I am trying to do is just let the splashes/spills/creep be repelled by the wall to the floor. Not sure if this is a good idea, I am still concerned with the walls on the other side of the room it would be in.

Thanks for all the ideas, this is still a ways off so...
I'm in the process of building a 210 system in wall and I ud=sed green board. I highly suggest you use green board because it is semi water resistant and mold resistant. Also paint it with oil based paint so you can wipe it off with a damp rag if it gets dirty.