Info on biotopes


New member
Does anyone know of a good source with info on setting up different biotopes? I'm in the planning stages of converting my tank back into a reef tank and I'd really like to create a biotope this time but I can't find any info on them.

Also, anyone know of a good source of natural reef pics? I would like to look through some pics to get some ideas but I can't find any really good clear pics online either.

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Ya I read that book a while back and I thought I remembered it having something about biotopes. Are there any online sources?

Does anyone on here have a biotope setup?
It basically refers to a specific environment or region that supports life. In a reef aquarium, it means trying to replicate a specif part of the reef by keeping only the corals and fish from that area.

Besides being more interesting, it can be beneficial to the health of the tank inhabitants when they're not subjected to animals that are not part of their natural environment.

I would just like to see some examples and maybe even lists of corals and fish broken down into different regions. I'll go look for that book again but I was hoping to find some info on the internet as well.