Insurance Policy

Yeah I am looking into one of those guardian whole house systems - Does anybody know how to get a power outage history of the nieghborhood? I live in Penfield and I get mixed reports from people in the area. It seems to vary by neighborhood even if it's just down the street. I'm just wonder if it's worth the extra cost vs just a portable one that you manually have to start yourself. Another thing is that if the power goes out and you don't have enough gas. The Gas station pumps won't even work in a power outage right? That's my main concern for going with natural gas instead.
Being in construction I see more and more homes getting automatic LP or Natural Gas generator installed during construction. I have talked to the guys who put them in and have come to conclusion that its the only way to go. The fact that they have a autostart and autotransfer switch is key. What if your not home during a failure? Also when I lived in Greece and had constant failures I cant tell you what a pain it is to dig the generator out. Fuel it up, plug it in, and transfer power over. If you have the money the automatic is the way to go hands down. But for now I am poor and will have to stick to doing it the old fashion way.

Greg, You will sleep easier at night knowing you can circumnavigate all the horrors of losing power. If you need help wiring up a transfer switch and a single plug tap LMK

Well what a timely thread, tonight at about midnight we lost our power. I don't have a generator so immediately I am frantic about the reef tank. I placed several blankets over the tank to keep the heat in as long as possible.
Then called RGE to find out a transmission line was down. Estimate to power back was 2 hours.
Thankfully they did it in about 1hour 15 mins.
Tank only dropped 1.5 degrees...not too bad considering how cold it is outside....
I had a backup plan to put hot water from the tap in bags and float in the tank.....

Glad I side stepped this one.....a generator has definitely moved WAY UP on my list of priorities.....
This was something I had been thinking about for the last 10 years. Now that I have a tank that was one of the big factors in getting the Gen, plus my wife and I are planning to start a family soon. That was the 2nd big reason, and 3rd right now my area is on a direct feed from Russell Station, we never lose power. But now that RG&E has chosen to decommision RS we will be just like the rest of Greece!!!

The reasons I chose the Portable vs a whole house simply were cost and the fact that this house is more our starter home and we plan to move in 3-5 years.(hopefully) $650 that we can take with us vs $4000 that has to stay with this house when we leave.

I have been through many of the big outages in the western NY area, and it has never been a problem to get gas for my grandfathers Gen, So finding fuel wasn't an issue in my decision making.

Scott thanks for the offer and I will deffinatly keep you in mind. I don't have a shed or Garage so right now I am storing the gen in a closet. My plan is once the weather breaks I want to pour a decent size slab for a Gen House. Basically just build a small shed on a cement pad, and chain the gen right to it.

I have thought about this quite abit. I am leaning toward picking up a diesel generator off Ebay and setting it up as a whole house system. I like the idea of diesel because it can convert very easily to burning french fry oil from Mcdonalds or one of the fast food businesses if necessary.
Haven't made the final decision yet but it looks like the way to go IMO
Well Between getting a shed built this year and the generator it'll be a damn fortune investment but either way it's like any insurance policy I guess. You pay for it but if something happens it's there.

I'll have to go talk to the HD associate to see what the deal is.

Talk to Rich Furstos at Jackson Welding tell him I sent you they have a great price and can install if you need
Buying a generator has been one of the few instances in my 8 years of marriage when my wife has said, "Boy honey, you sure were right about that!"

My tank isn't up and running yet; but when you live in Conesus, get your water from a well, and have three children under the age of 7, a simple 4200W portable generator and a 6-circuit transfer switch can keep you from turning into Jack Nicholson in 'The Shining' when the power's out in your neighborhood for more than a couple of days.

"Heeeeeeres' Johnny!!!"
To all those putting up a shed...I can help with the concrete if needed...I am cheap. I work for frags, That is as long as the pour is under 150 sq ft.

Just thought I would offer

Thanks Scott - I'll keep you in mind - I'm thinking about a max 200 sqft shed to get my money's worth from the Penfield permit prices.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9187263#post9187263 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bosborn1
To all those putting up a shed...I can help with the concrete if needed...I am cheap. I work for frags, That is as long as the pour is under 150 sq ft.

Just thought I would offer


I might take you up on that this spring Scott.
Did I see you on the street holding up a sign "will work for frags"???