Intensity vs. brightness


Active member
Why is there a slider listed as "brightness" on the daily schedule page, but in the templet section a slider listed as "intensity"?

Aren't these the same function or are they different?

They operate exactly the same, the terms "Intensity" and "brightness" are interchangeable regarding EcoSmart Live.

I thought so. The question was asked by someone on another forum and while I thought they were the same I had to ask to make sure.

On the daily schedule page where is says brightness.....60% means that is your highest intensity, even with a bell curve graph?
So right now im using the color program on ecosmart live. I had 2 hydras and switched to 1 g3 pro on my 65gal tank. Lights are at 10". I have overall brightness at 50%. Sps are fine, some lost a tad of color, chalices on bottom of tank bleached, but zoanthids towards top and middle are stretching
On the daily schedule page where is says brightness.....60% means that is your highest intensity, even with a bell curve graph?

That is correct the the intensity or brightness displayed on your daily schedule is your maximum intensity or brightness your Radion will achieve.
That is correct the the intensity or brightness displayed on your daily schedule is your maximum intensity or brightness your Radion will achieve.

So if you have a point (let's say at your peak) and the settings for that peak point have a brightness of 75%, but the brightness slider to the top right of your overall graph is set to 55%'ll change the brightness of that peak point to 55% or will it be 55% of 75% ?...geez did that even make sense ?? Lol.
So if you have a point (let's say at your peak) and the settings for that peak point have a brightness of 75%, but the brightness slider to the top right of your overall graph is set to 55%'ll change the brightness of that peak point to 55% or will it be 55% of 75% ?...geez did that even make sense ?? Lol.

With the settings at 75% and the overall at 55%. Your peak will be 75% of 55%. If you turn all channels to 100% and had an overall of 55% then you would get the actual 55%.
So if I have my blues, and uv at 100% at 3pm
Reds greens and whites at 30%

Overall brightness at 50%

Then my blues and uv are really running at 50% and my red white and green at 15%?
I'm not sure it's that simple. It's probably more of an average of all the channels. Here is an example.

At this point with these percentages gives me an overall of 34%

Lol. Math is not always fun !

Five channels, so each one will contribute 20 percent to the overall . I'm vodka dosing so I can't really do the math, but hopefully that helped a bit
So when the weather shows 35% is that the total intensity of the light? I also have mines et like yours at 50% brightness! and again it only shows like 35% under the sun icon at peak time...

Thanks for your help,and sorry if they seem dumb questions
No problem. Yes that's correct. Total output is only 35%. You can play around with it to see. If you crank up all the channels you'll be at 50% for that point
Intensity vs. brightness

Hmm. Just noticed the phone app doesn't include the violet and uv channel. I wonder if it's incorporated into the royal blue ??
But yeah so six channels would be like 16.666% per channel so the math gets a bit harder