They operate exactly the same, the terms "Intensity" and "brightness" are interchangeable regarding EcoSmart Live.
On the daily schedule page where is says brightness.....60% means that is your highest intensity, even with a bell curve graph?
That is correct the the intensity or brightness displayed on your daily schedule is your maximum intensity or brightness your Radion will achieve.
That is correct the the intensity or brightness displayed on your daily schedule is your maximum intensity or brightness your Radion will achieve.
Makes perfect sense to me. But just to add to the confusion. Could it mean the opposite. That it's 75% of 55% ? Lol
So if you have a point (let's say at your peak) and the settings for that peak point have a brightness of 75%, but the brightness slider to the top right of your overall graph is set to 55%'ll change the brightness of that peak point to 55% or will it be 55% of 75% ?...geez did that even make sense ?? Lol.