interceptor tank


New member
would this work?
Instead of breaking up interceptor tablets and giving a profolactic dip everytime I get a new frag, could I just set up a small ~5 gallon tank with a very high dose of interceptor in it, and just keep it running, so it's always ready to go, when I receive something new. Does anybody know if the interceptor would loose it's affectiveness over a few weeks or months, once it's dissolved?
I believe it becomes ineffective after a couple of weeks. Not sure where I read it. Perhaps on Dustons original thread...
I have heard of people just using a cup with like 10-20X normal treatment concentrations for a few hours to get rid of any RBs on frags etc. Interceptor is supposed to break down pretty quick (easily oxidized). I was going to try this but in a sealable container to float in my sump to reduce stress. Just have to make sure it is water tight!