Zoa on my clam


New member
Anyone heard of a Zoa sending out spawn? I found a baby on my clam, don't know how it got there. I have a small colony that is about 12 inches away from my Maxima and notice a bright green dot on it, and when I looked closer is was a baby from the colony. Just thought it was interesting.
Hmm? Maybe, but I've never seen one as small as this when they start from the mother. It's as small as the head of a pin. After further inspection of the area around it, I found a few other attached to the rocks.
I'm glad to see a spawning post. Yes it is very possible that it happened. I will not say it cannot. I have had it happen with green zoa before an blue sarcothelia edmondsoni. Filtration got most of the zoa when that event occurred. But the Blue sarcothelia edmondsoni made loads of white spawn that were heavier then my current was adept for. The result of that event is a 55g that is 90% live rock covered in sarcothelia. If it has happened in your tank you are a small percentage of hobbyists it happens too...

I'm glad to see a spawning post. Yes it is very possible that it happened. I will not say it cannot. I have had it happen with green zoa before an blue sarcothelia edmondsoni. Filtration got most of the zoa when that event occurred. But the Blue sarcothelia edmondsoni made loads of white spawn that were heavier then my current was adept for. The result of that event is a 55g that is 90% live rock covered in sarcothelia. If it has happened in your tank you are a small percentage of hobbyists it happens too...


AWESOME! I'm glad to hear that it has happened. In all my years of reefing I've never witnessed nor have I saw any evidence of a Zoa spawn until now. Thanks for sharing your experience.