Interesting observation on how a bubble coral heals/grows its septa spikes


New member
So my blue.purple bubble coral as mentioned in my other thread wasnt dmged on its septa tips.. And growing diatom algae on them.. New to sapt water i did some research and there isnt too much info on these coral how they grow and heal.

I used a tooth brush yesturday to get the algae off the exposed skeleton speta spikey tips. And todsy ive been watching the coral litterally allll day long on and off.

Tonight i noticed something interesting. As the bubbles on the coral were deflaying for night time about 5 bubbles were hung on the septa spikes.. Ive been told or read thats bad and the bubbles can tear.. However after observing it more.. I noticed the bubble flesh was it seems purposely covering the exposed skeleton and shaping to it. As they fully deflated it was stretched over it like a bandaid.. And it looks to be or melding itself into the septa spikes..

This seems to be how it heals itself.. Almost like a tree that grows and creats rings making the tree wider and wider.

Who knows maybe im wrong... and the bubbles really are just stuck on the spikes.. but it sure looks like its covering them purposely
You'll find out in time. This is what makes salt water so much more fun than fresh.

Wow, power compacts huh. I still have my 4 pin power compact ballasts from my second tank back in 2001. I'd use again but can't find bulbs for them anymore and the reflector got mangled in a move. Think they were 80w bulbs I used at the time.
Its a 27g hex with 3 420.460 pc and 1 6500.6500.. All 65w pcs.

But today i just got my 24 inch 4X T5HO fixture.. some cheap 75$ plant grow fixture mountable on hangar with individual reflectors.

Ill be honest it doesnt look as bright as my power compacts though.. But well see Pc bulbs are hard to find. And i wanted to use those ATI coral plus and blue plus bulbs. I almost went with a chinese black box byt u heard they dont really grow coral and are too intense of a ligjt needing to be turned down really low.. So i went with a quad t5 fixture instead