

New member
Hello everyone! I'm just dropping a post to introduce myself. The wife and I moved up to the Fort Wayne area last June from Muncie after graduating college.

Right now I just have a 29 gallon former reef tank with 5g refugium that has been sitting empty except for live rock since our move. I only had a clown and a few frags in it when we moved, and gave it all away before the move for ease and a few months after the move when my PC went bust.

The wife recently gave me an ultimatum to make the tank look nice or get rid of it, so I've sank some money into a new T5 fixture and am actively in the hobby again. So hello to the other Fort Wayne aquarists. I look forward to getting to know all of you.
Welcome to the group.
Let us know when you are looking for frags, I have some as well.
Just not many SPS yet.
Thanks for the welcome and the frag offers! Right now the T5s I ordered are on backorder so it'll be another week or so, but that just gives me time for other tank housekeeping tasks.

Incidentally, I've found Aquarium 33 and Broadway Aquatics in Fort Wayne. Are there any other shops I should know about or that you guys would recommend?
Highly recommend Petware house on coldwater rd and coral reef on N. Anthony... Both stores have excellent products.

Forgot about sea dwellers on Dupont rd. A little tricky to find the first time, turn into Dupont estates, then left at the strip mall take that all the way to the end!! Jim has some nice stuff usually..