is anyone...


Active member
anyone planning on heading up to cultivated corals anytime soon? if so i need a few maxijet's .... let me kno and ill meet up with ya before hand in give u the cash ;) thanks!
This is a message from CC's website;

Cultivated Coral Inc. will be closed from May 6th through May 28th, 2008, due to the upcoming wedding of Nick and Stacey and their subsequent honeymoon. We apologize for any inconvenience. If you would like to place an order, we suggest you do so on May 28th as we will begin shipping again on that day. Thank you for your patience.
well im in no rush since this is for the new 300g tank which i wont be setting up for like 3-4 months but im gathering the equipment now ;)
also heres a list of things ill be needing in the next few months and f anyone has any used items i could use lemme kno ;)
calcium reactor like the MRC CR-1 but if u got another one used i may go fer that
dj power strip
4 X maxijet 1200 plus the sureflow/suregrip mods
a couple hundred lbs liverock
and an extra 250w retrofit (tho i may switch to 400w's)
yea i considered it but when i first saw that thread all my money was tied up in this new 300g
Forget the 250's and go with the 400's. The difference in color and total light output is immeasurable. I am not sure if i will ever go to any other type of MH's than 400W.
yea i belive thats the route ima go.... i was trying to use what i could from my current setup but i supose i could always sell these retrofits that i have for close to what i paid new