Is It True...?

nah, but its not that much longer.......

6 months to a year i think

the lfs maybe meant that because he gets in octos that are already adult they only have 3 months to go
another reason why not to buy one,, well, if you need another reason other than they can kill you! lol
Well in some ways he's right.
Blue rings have a life span of a bout 6 months. By the time they are large enough for collectors to find them they are all ready a few months old.
By the time they are are in a wholesalers tank they are few months old or more. So they only live a sort time when the customer gets them. Not a very good octo to keep and they can kill ya to boot.
mmm. i wasn't going to get one anyway. asked out of an interrest in octos in general.

wouldn't it be nice to meet a 30ft octo?