Is my coral dead?


New member
I was given a small frag by a pet store. I'm not sure what species it is, neither did they, looks like eagle eye. It's been 24 hours and it hasn't opened and is turning pale. Is it dead?
Always research purchases before making them, but we'll need a pic to know. Also I'd recommend posting in the new hobbyists forum or something along those lines to get more replies, this section of the forums is for coral propagation.
Of course, of course. Thanks for replying. I'm pretty new to the site. Unfortunately I only have a mobile device and the site won't let me upload pictures. Thanks again
Here's the pictures, I'm running errands and don't have much time to comment on them but the zoas have some kind of infection and the tank looks really new, how long has it been running? I'd post those pics in the zoanthids section as well

Infectiom? Should I just take it out? It's been running a little over 3 months. Cycled and all my parameters are perfect.
I think the zoas look fine other than not being open. Give them some time zoas can be pretty hardy.

How old is the tank?
Sometimes they don't open for days. From those pictures, I can't tell if they are sick. Particularly since they are new to the tank but I did notice some fuzzy algae growing on the top of the polyp which might keep them from opening. Brush off the algae would be a great start.