I raised my ammonia too high to 4 ppm before adding fritz turbostart 900 on day 1. After 3 days, my ammonia has gone down to 0.25 ppm (I'm using an API test kit, so I know that I won't get a 0 ppm reading, but this is the lowest on the chart). My nitrite has spiked a lot (+5 ppm, the highest reading), probably around the 2nd day after I've added fritz turbostart. As of writing, this is the 6th day and the ammonia and nitrite is the same and haven't decreased at all. (I used API to measure these results)
I ended up buying salifert ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate test kits because I heard that they are more accurate. I tested ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate and it shows that my ammonia and nitrite are 0 while my nitrate is 100 (the highest)
Does this mean that API test kits is the problem and my cycle is done and all I need to do now is a big water change? Are API test kits that bad that they misread my nitrite to 5 ppm while salifert reads it as 0?
I ended up buying salifert ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate test kits because I heard that they are more accurate. I tested ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate and it shows that my ammonia and nitrite are 0 while my nitrate is 100 (the highest)
Does this mean that API test kits is the problem and my cycle is done and all I need to do now is a big water change? Are API test kits that bad that they misread my nitrite to 5 ppm while salifert reads it as 0?