I was wondering if a 175W MH was enough lighting for a 29 or 37 gallon tank? I have an 175W Aqualine true 10K bulb on there now with no clams. I'm mainly interrested in T. crocea. I had a baby maxima (<1") a few months ago but it died. What length of clam is big enough for it to be able just to grow with the lights and not have the tank be fed DT's? Is my lighting enough for my tank to support clams? Please let me know what you think. Thanks!
I was wondering if a 175W MH was enough lighting for a 29 or 37 gallon tank? I have an 175W Aqualine true 10K bulb on there now with no clams. I'm mainly interrested in T. crocea. I had a baby maxima (<1") a few months ago but it died. What length of clam is big enough for it to be able just to grow with the lights and not have the tank be fed DT's? Is my lighting enough for my tank to support clams? Please let me know what you think. Thanks!