Is my lighting enough?


New member
I was wondering if a 175W MH was enough lighting for a 29 or 37 gallon tank? I have an 175W Aqualine true 10K bulb on there now with no clams. I'm mainly interrested in T. crocea. I had a baby maxima (<1") a few months ago but it died. What length of clam is big enough for it to be able just to grow with the lights and not have the tank be fed DT's? Is my lighting enough for my tank to support clams? Please let me know what you think. Thanks!
I think a 175 watt metal halide is plenty, especially in a smaller tank. If you are not going to feed DT'S(which is a good idea for all tanks) I would push you to get a clam of at least 3" with 4" being all the better. Is your tank established?

How are your parameters?
temperature ranges?

All very important with clams. Just as important is stability with all of these parameters.

p.s. I think Croceas are the most beautiful of all clams.

Best of luck, Rob
Thanks for the reply. My parameters (that I know of) are:

PH: ~8.2, pretty constant
ammonia, nitrate, nitrite: all negligible
Salinity: 1.023
Calcium: I believe it's about 300PPM
Temperature range: I just picked up a chiller to narrow the range. Should be between 77-80 or so, ideally.

Still cool? Crocea's are basically the only ones I'm interrested in. I think they are simply the coolest looking ones. If I were to feed the tank DT's, how often would be enough? How fast do you guys go through a bottle of that stuff? Please let me know. Thanks again!
Hello! Yes a clam over 3 to 4 inches will use light more for it's food source. DTs is a great clam food The back of the bottle will give you instuctions on the amount. I used approx. 30ml every 3 days in a 120 gallon tank. Your lights will be fine. Your calcium level really should be in the 400 plus range.