Is the Sunpod HQI (2 x 150 MH 55gal) enough for SPS?

Ralph ATL

Formerly mysterybox
I have a 55 gallon tank.
2 months ago, I purchased a 5 inch very Pink Bird's Nest (8 inches from surface). In the last 6 weeks it started turning brown, and then from the bottom up, it started turning white until 90% of it was "bleached" or dead. About 3 weeks ago I switched calcium dosing from AragaMilk to C-Balance. I also switched salt from Oceanic to Tropic Marine's reef crystals hoping it would help.

Calcium is 450
Alk is 9.6 or 3.43
no measurable nitrites or phos
PH steady at 8.1 (before I switched to C-balance it did fluctuate alot from 8.6 to 7.9, but over the past 3 weeks, it's been very steady.)
Salt is at 1.024

The 4 month old MH lights are on from noon to 10:15pm. The LED lights are on from 9am to 11pm. They are the Sunpod HQI (2 x 150 MH with LED'S)
I have 4 powerheads for water motion.
The tank is 8 months old. Very little hair algae.
I use 60 pounds of live rock & about 2-3 inches of live sand. I have a few reef fish & some mushrooms, a Klyxum, montipora, digitata, Clam, ect. I keep getting conflicting info. Some say my lights are enough for SPS, and some say I need 2, 400 watt MH! Two questions:
1. Is this enough light for SPS? and
2. What SPS can I have that will survive besides monti's? Any advise would be welcome PLEASE!