Is there a blanket ban on collection for the Red Sea?


New member
Hi all,
Is there any truth to this rumour:
There is a blanket ban on collection of ornamental marine fish, corals and invertebrates from the red sea.

In addition to this I have also heard that there is to be a ban or reduction of the collection from US waters in the near future.

The reason I ask is in my country (New Zealand) we have a list of species that are allowed to be imported that has been put in place by our government. That list being modified to add species from those locations. If the rumors were correct then the additions to the list would be a waste of time.
There is no blanket ban on Red Sea . But shipments do tend to be sporadic -The political climate is not the healthiest and this tends to impact when and if shipments go out. @ of LA's biggest wholesalers had Purple Tangs in stock last week
Nothing besides fish come out of the Red Sea though. No corals, that's for sure :(

Nothing has been set as far as lower catch limits for the states last I heard.
There are also only a little more than 2 dozen collectors in the Red Sea and about 4 (one is now defunct IIRC) exporters, so the volume coming out is pretty low, with a large percentage of it going to the European market.

I think the rumors about US bans stem from the failed attempts to restrict the Hawai'ian fishery.