I've had this green plating montipora several months now, at first it was growing nicely.
I think a gradual rise in KH had something to do with the way it looks today.
Went from 8 to 11 dkh over a period of 8 or 9 weeks.
As can be seen the polyps are very prominent, and there's tissue still present, however the colouration of the flesh has gone like a creamy white.
It's looked like this for about 3 months. Would this be to do with the lighting I had radions at 65% about 12" from the surface of the tank, and the monti is about 24" from the light source.
I had several acropora which all developed tip burn around the coralites, this monti and a bit of setosa are all that remain.
Phos 0.14 nitrate 12ppm
Potassium 420
Mag 1320
Cal 440
Kh at present 10dkh
I've tried finding photos of similar situations with monti looking like this, I have not yet seen any that match.. any help is greatly appreciated.