I was thinking about this in one of the nano threads before, euphillia skeletons will eventually pick up algae, green, brown, purple, encrusting, filament, etc. Only the skeleton very near the coral polyp will continue to be white. As the polyp grows outward, splits, and spreads, more of the original white skeleton will grow in with algae. Euphillia aren't like SPS, where the entire skeleton/body is living polyps maintaining the skeleton. They only maintain the heads and skeleton very close to it.
Are you talking about the specific green algae immediately under the polyp, or the encrusting algaes on the stem/stalk further down? I think both are normal, and in your pictures everything looks fine, other than a coral being out of the water.
Are you seeing any recession in the actual coral head? My euphyllia constantly go in and out of being inflated nice and big and shrinking down. I think when they're splitting they shrink down for a few weeks, then inflate with more heads/mouths where they're splitting.