Is this RTN??


New member
I bought this coral with 5 other acro's and monti's and this one turned white. After putting it in it was on the eggcrate and then the next day i put it on the rock. I'm pretty sure i caused it to turn white bc it fell a couple times off the rock and from the flow. temp is constantly at 79-79.5 with the chiller and i have great flow The front of the coral is mostly white but the back seems fine. Should i cut off the white part? or will it grow back? All other frags seem to have no or just a little white on the tips.

Thanks for all the help
You said they kept falling because of flow. Is this because the flow is directly on them, or because the current is strong?
It was from the flow directly on them. I saw the flesh coming off the SPS after putting them on the rock. I think this was just bc of stress but will it grow back or should i cut the white off? also could it be bc of the very strong lighting I have for the tank. 400w mh the bulb's about 7-8" off the water and the sps is 3-4 from the top of the water I have other sps about the same distance away and they seem fine.