Is this the pox?


New member

The big frag also has brownish stuff floating on it so not sure if it is a dead polyp or not? Last week I did a hydro peroxide dip and then a lugols dip which seemed to really help. Now the small frag didn't open today and was all opened last night, so I did a furan2 dip for both and will follow through for 3 days to see what happens.

I've noticed a small white bump as is the photo on the smaller frag. I'm just trying to pre treat as much as possible.
I Think I see a pox on the first picture.

You just can't bombard the polyps with dips if you don't really know what you're treading. :hmm5:

Give them a day to rest and treat with Furan2.

The brown stuff is probably algae.
The polyps on the second picture look stressed, probably because of the multiple dipping.

I think I see a pox on the second picture as well..


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Well this morning the small frag opened up and looks good , I still plan to continue the tx with furan and will post updates as I see more.